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Open on One of the SIX MAJOR HOLIDAYS? / ¿Estará abierto para un de los 6 mayores días festivos?
Here's what you need to do to claim meals/snacks. / Esto es lo que tiene que hacer para reclamar comidas/meriendas.
To claim one of the SIX MAJOR HOLIDAYS (Dec. 25, Jan. 1, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving): / Para reclamar en uno de los 6 mayores dias festivos (Diciembre 25, Enero 1, Dia Memorial, 4 de Julio, Dia Laboral, Dia de acción de gracias):
1. Sites MUST notify DCR at least 48 hours BEFORE the holiday to let us know they will be OPEN. / Los centros/proveedores tienen que notificar a DCR al menos 48 horas ANTES del día festivo para dejarnos saber que estará abierto.
2. The parent/guardian must send an email/note that says their child(ren) will be present and which meals and snacks they will eat that day. / El padre/guardian tiene que mandar una nota o un correo electrónico diciendo que su niño(s) estarán presente y que comidas comerán los niños ese día.
If plans change and you will be closed, you MUST contact your PROGRAM ADVISOR AND email info@dcrhome.org. / Si los planes cambian y estará cerado, TIENE que comunicarse con el monitor Y mandarle correo electrónico a info@dcrchrome.org.
Be Ready for Your Next Visit!
The USDA, the Illinois State Board of Education, or Day Care Resouces could make an unannounced monitoring visit at ANY time!
Be ready for your next visit from DCR, ISBE and/or USDA monitor(s). Make sure:
- your records are up-to-date,
- all children are enrolled,
- to notify DCR if you are serving a meal/snack off site (ex. field trip),
- to ask for ID for any unfamiliar monitors. Click on "view" for a list of ISBE monitors.