Bird Feeder


  1. A half-gallon milk carton, rinsed and dried
  2. Scissors
  3. String
  4. Birdseed


  1. Poke a hole in the folded top of the milk carton.
  2. Thread the string through it and tie it in a loop.
  3. Cut a rectangle in one of the carton sides. Leave about 2 inches of the carton on the top and bottom.
  4. Fillthe bottom of the carton with birdseed.
  5. Hang the carton by the string on a tree branch, on a balcony, or in some other outdoor location. Make sure you can see it through a window.
  6. Observe and count the different birds that visit the feeder in an hour, a day, or a week. Try to observe the feeder at the same tiem every day. Write the date, time, and names of the birds. Also write down what kind of birdseed you used.
  7. After observing your bird feeder, create a chart to show how many kinds of birds visited. What time of day or night did they visit? Did you notice any patterns? Why do you think that is?

Bird Feeder

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adapted from Ready to Learn, August 1999