Egg Carton Jingle Bells


  1. Old egg cartons
  2. Scissors
  3. String
  4. Jingle bells or small bells
  5. Craft glue
  6. Glitter
  7. Craft paint


  1. Cut the egg carton into separate cups. With the point of the scissors or sharp pencil, poke a hole in the bottom of each cup.
  2. Decorate each cup however you like.
  3. Mix glitter into your paints for a quick, colorful sparkle effect.
  4. Cut a piece of string about 15 cm long. Tie a small bell onto one end.
  5. Thread the string through the hole in the egg cup. Pull it all the way through until the bell hits the inside of the cup.
  6. Tie a knot at the top of the egg cup to hold the bell securely in place.
  7. To hang from the tree, you can tie a loop in the rest of the string, or you can tie/attach it to an ornament hook.

Egg Carton Jingle Bells

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